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Football Development Programme

The programme aims to create a structured approach to the development of football in the borough.

It provides Grassroots football through courses.

Current Courses

*Please be advised that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, all Sports Development soccer programmes have been suspended until further notice:

Football Development Centre

Dates: 17,24,31 Jan, 7,15,28 Feb

Time: 3:30-5pm

Venue: Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisue Complex

Cost: £24(£18 for a second child in the same family)

Please complete a registration form (below) and return along with payment to the Sports Development office in Londonderry Park

Football Development Centre

Dates:13,20,27 March, 3,10,17,24 April, 1, 8,15,22,29 May

Time: 3:30-5pm

Venue: Londonderry Park

Cost: £42 (£25 for a second child in the same family)

Please complete a registration form (below) and return along with payment to the Sports Development office in Londonderry Park


Finished programmes included:

  • Walking football - Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex
  • Community Cup - Londonderry Park
  • Borough Cup
  • Primary school league had 18 schools taking part. The League was won by Londonderry Primary School. This was the 1st time they have won it since 1963.
  • 9 aside leagues for Primary schools (Final at end of May)
  • Peninsula League 
  • January Football Development Centre  This programme was fully booked with 80 kids participating
  • Easter Camp
  • Girls programme - Girls finals day 29th May

For further information on any of our soccer development programmes please contact our Soccer Development Officer Craig Brotherston at