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Parking at Ards Blair Mayne

Information on parking at Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex


Two E Charging units are available situated outside the orange entrance to the complex.

Off-Street Parking Order 2024

The car park at Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex is subject to the Off-Street Parking Order 2024.

Traffic Attendants (Blue Coats) patrol the car park and issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) for contraventions of the Ards and North Down Off-Street Parking (Public Car Parks) Order 2024 in order to prevent misuse of the car park.

Examples of contraventions where PCN’s will be issued: 

  • not parking within a designated parking space or wholly within the markings of a space for your class of vehicle
  • parking in a drop off area or loading bay, bus/coach parking space, double yellow line or hatched box, grass area or on any kerb or pavement in the car park
  • parking in an accessible parking space without clearly displaying a valid blue badge
  • parking in an electric vehicle's charging place without charging your vehicle

Penalty Charges are £45 (if paid within 14 days) and £90 (If paid within 28 days).  

Further information including a copy of the Ards and North Down Off-Street Parking (Public Car Parks) Order 2024 can be found at:


Parking at busy times

Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex is a busy centre, particularly at weekends when events take place.

If visiting the complex at these times, please think about how and where you park and be considerate to other car park users.

If the car park is full, alternative parking is available in town centre car parks as identified in the map below.  On Monday through to Saturday, charged car parks are free to use from 6.30pm each evening until 8.30am the following morning and are free of charge on Sundays.